Why Is Your Lawn Yellow Even Though it Gets Plenty of Water?
When your lawn turns yellow, your first thought is probably, "it needs more water." But what if the soil actually is moist and you've gotten plenty of rainfall lately? You need to look a bit deeper to find what's causing your green grass to turn yellow. Here's a look at some of the most likely explanations.
Too Much Nitrogen in the Soil
If large patches of your lawn or even the entire lawn is yellow, this is probably because there is too much nitrogen in the soil. This can happen when you've been a bit too heavy-handed with the fertilizer. Some people see their lawn beginning to yellow, assume it needs to be fertilized, and apply more fertilizer—which just makes the issue worse. Nitrogen alters the pH of the soil, and too much of it can make the soil too acidic, which prevents the grass from being able to obtain the nutrients it needs from the soil.
To correct a "too much nitrogen" problem, prepare a mixture of baking soda and water. A teaspoon of baking soda per half-gallon of water is sufficient. Spray this over the lawn. It will neutralize the extra acids in the soil. Going forward, avoid fertilizers that are high in nitrogen, and instead apply formulas that contain more potassium and phosphorus.
Animals Are Urinating on Your Lawn
Is the yellow color appearing in patches? Chances are, either your pet, a neighbor's pet, or some wild animals are urinating in your lawn. Urine is acidic and it burns the roots of the grass, preventing them from obtaining the nutrients they need to maintain their green color. If the problem is your dog or the neighbor's dog, you can fight the yellowing by encouraging the dog to urinate elsewhere, such as in a pile or stone or mulch. If the problem is wild animals, you may have a tougher time keeping them away. Consider fencing in your yard or hiring an exterminator to trap them.
If you're able to amend the animals' urination habits, the yellow spots should "green up" again within a few weeks. If they do not, you can dig out the damaged grass and a few inches of soil beneath it, fill in the area with new soil, and re-plant grass seed. The new grass should come in green and lush.
Do not give up on a yellowing lawn. These causes are both rather easy to address so you can have green grass once again. For more insight on products that can keep your lawn green and healthy, contact companies like Kendall Lawnscapes.