Recommendations For Property Soil Stabilization
Natural erosion is a normal occurrence, but when it comes to your property, you don't want to lose valuable topsoil or allow particulates to get into the air from the dust and cause breathing problems. To combat and control soil erosion, you should look at soil stabilization methods to protect your property and your health among other reasons. Here are some recommendations to help you stabilize your property soil for an improved environment and surface.
Combine Additives to the Soil
An area of soil surrounding your home that is bare of vegetation and pavement is going to be exposed to the wind and rain, which leads to erosion. However, you may not have an option of adding in vegetation due to the use of the soil, and you may not want to pave over the area due to damaging heavy equipment and vehicles that drive through the areas. Therefore, you can look for an additive or combination of solutions to mix into the soil and stabilize the soil against soil movement and erosion.
Some types of soil stabilization additives include lime, which can be added in granular and powder form or as a wet solution that is added over the top of the soil. Another option is to add fly ash or cement to the soil in granular form and combine the mixture together to evenly distribute it into the soil and compact it into a solid smooth surface. Then, when moisture is added to the mixture, it will harden the soil to form a shell where your soil will not blow or wash away.
Use Mulch Covering
Mulch is another option to help control erosion and stabilize the soil on your property. You can add mulch in a variety of appearances and materials, either with the option to add vegetation later or no vegetation. Mulch materials, such as bark and wood chips, pea gravel, straw, and lawn clippings make a great soil stabilization material. Be sure that if you use lawn clippings, layer them on thickly so they dry and harden in a tough layer.
Another type of mulch can help you grow vegetation over your soil while the mulch is in place. A mixture of mulch, grass or other vegetation seeds, water, and fertilizer can be sprayed directly over the soil by a hydro-mulch professional. The hydro-mulch layer will dry upon the soil and stabilize it while the seeds will germinate over time when they are kept moist with irrigation.
Contact a local landscape company to learn more about soil stabilization.